Abby K

Abby K is a bassist, vocalist, and songwriter based in Nashville, TN. She picked up the bass at age 13 after being influenced by Gene Simmons at a KISS Concert. Months into her musical journey, she was 1 of 3 bassists in the United States selected to attend GRAMMY Camp in Los Angeles, CA. She claims that her proudest moment was when Nita Strauss joined her onstage to perform Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper”. Since then, she has developed her own style of musicianship which is commonly described as the love child of Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) and Lita Ford. In the spring of 2021, Abby K became an independent artist and announced that Diego Vargas and Zach Gulledge will be joining the band as lead guitarist and drummer. Recently, the new lineup released their 8th single, “99ºC” and embarked on their first major tour with Nita Strauss which ended at the legendary 'Whisky A Go Go'. Join Abby and the band on this incredible journey of theirs by following @abbykrocks on all social media.


My name is Abby K, and I can't tell you how many times OnSong has saved me! As a bassist on Broadway in Nashville, TN, you have to have thousands of songs in your back pocket at all times. Without OnSong, I truly couldn't do it. I believe every musician should be using OnSong, as it's such a great tool to help us succeed.

Where to Find

Apple Music






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