All Things New

White As Snow

White As Snow
Rivers & Robots
Key: G
Capo: 6
CCLI: 7046594
Author: Written by Rivers & Robots
Copyright: ©2014 Set Sail Music (PRS). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
Number: 3
Book: All Things New

Dsus2   Am7sus4   C   G/E

Verse 1:
Dsus2        Am7sus4
I cling to the lamb who has
C            G/E          Dsus2 Am7sus4 C G/E
purchased me with His own blood
Dsus2        Am7sus4
And I stand in His righteousness
C             G/E       Dsus2 Am7sus4 C G/E
washed by His mercy and love
Dsus2           Am7sus4
Though I fail a thousand times Lord Your
C           G/E       Dsus2   Am7sus4 C G/E
mercies are new every morning
Dsus2     Am7sus4
Wash over me let my
C         G/E           Dsus2  Am7sus4 C G/E
spirit be steadfast and strong

All my sins like scarlet will be
white as snow
Though they're red like crimson
They will be as wool

Verse 2:
A broken and contrite heart, You do not despise
Wash over me, clean my heart, clean my mind, clean my eyes

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