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User Manual


The navigation category provides actions that are used to navigate through your song, as well as thought your set or library. It has the following nouns:


Scroll by page as long as page breaks are supported. Actions include:

  • Adjust moves through the pages in the document using variable input.
  • Up navigates to the previous page of content.
  • Down navigates to the next page of content.
  • Switch allows you to specify a specific page to switch to.

These actions require either PDF or text-based chord charts with page breaks. If not available, the action performs a standard scroll up or down action.


Scrolls the song up or down a percentage of the screen height or based on the configured Scroll Behavior. Actions include:

  • Adjust takes input to adjust the scroll position of the song.
  • Up scrolls the song up based on the configured Scroll Behavior. When a user interface list is presented, this command will select the row above the selected row.
  • Down scrolls the song down based on the configured Scroll Behavior. When a user interface list is presented, this command will select the row below the selected row.
  • Top scrolls the song viewer to the top of the song.
  • Bottom scrolls the song viewer to the bottom of the song.


Selects sections within text-based chord charts and will scroll to those sections. Actions include:

  • Adjust selects the section in the chart according to variable input.
  • Previous selects the previous section relative to the currently selected section.
  • Next selects the next section relative to the currently selected section.
  • Switch allows the trigger to go to a section by name.


Changes the current set of songs loaded in the song viewer.

  • Previous moves to the previous set loaded in your library.
  • Next moves to the next set loaded in your library.
  • Switch allows you to switch to a specific set in your library then triggered.


Changes the song that is currently viewed in the song viewer.

  • Adjust moves to a song in the song viewer based on variable input.
  • Previous navigates to the previous song in the song viewer.
  • Next navigates to the next song in the song viewer.
  • Switch allows you to switch to a particular song in your library when triggered.
  • Random loads a random song from the currently selected book or set. Use for practicing songs in your library without a pattern.
  • Reset scrolls the current song to the top and optionally resets toggled events such as autoscroll, backing tracks, the metronome and section assignments. These can be customized in Settings » Navigation Settings » Actions » Reset Song.


These actions allow you to navigate using viewports. Viewports are remembered areas of your content.

  • Default loads the default viewport of the song which is 100% scale at the top left corner.
  • Previous navigates the previous viewport in the list.
  • Current navigates to the current primary viewport.
  • Next navigates to the next viewport in the list.
  • Switch to the specified viewport.


These actions effect the zoom state of the song viewer.

  • Adjust will automatically adjust the zoom factor of the song viewer based on variable input.
  • Toggle between 100% and the default zoom.
  • Actual Size returns the zoom factor to view the full song content.
  • In will zoom in on the song content.
  • Out will zoom out on the song content.
OnSong 2024 — Last Updated on May 1, 2023